Once in Istria tako your time to try local food, belong them
1. Maneštra od Bobići
while the star of this #Istrian staple is sweetcorn, or bobići in local dialect, the dish itself is merely a variation of the classic Italian #minestra, a thick soup of #vegetables and most often mixed beans and legumes. This version is #traditionally prepared by stewing together red kidney beans, potatoes and sweetcorn with either prosciutto bones or, if available, some cured pork meat. For a truly rich flavor, this minestra is finished off by adding pešt or zaseka, an aromatic coarse mash of bacon fat, garlic and parsley, which is typical for #istriancuisine.
2. # Fritaja od šparoga
come spring, you don't want to skip on the delicious wild asparagus which are abundant in Istria and particularly favored along its east coast. Though there are countless ways of preparing the so-called 'queen of Mediterranean woodlands,' one of the most popular recipes is also the simplest one: #fritaja, which is a local word for frittata, of course.
3. Fuži
this #traditional #Istrian #pasta variety is recognized as the trademark of #centralIstria though it is omnipresent throughout the #peninsula. It originated as a variation of the square-shaped pasutice but with the two opposite corners folded, and while pasutice were typically used for preparing more humble dishes, fuži were reserved for special occasions. They are traditionally served with different meat-based sauces including žgvacet, or the prized Istrian truffles.
4. Truffle
#istriantruffle is among word famous delicious, #whitetruffel habit is in Motovun forest where the #Guinness World Record #truffle is founded - 1.310 kilogram. Truffle goes great in combination with scrambled eggs - fritaja- frittata, pasta or meat.
5. Pršut
one of the staple ingredients of Croatian cuisine, #Istrian #pršut or #prosciutto is a traditional cured and dried ham. It is usually served thinly sliced as an entree, alongside some artisanal bread and sheep or goat milk cheese. Its production is the simpler than those of other prosciuttos, as it is not smoked and is processed without its skin.
After its skin and fat are removed, it is salted with coarse salt, pressed and rubbed with the mixture of black pepper, garlic, and different herbs. It is then dried for a few months in the wind before it is left to mature and ferment for the final six to eight months.